I chat to fellow Choc Lit Author, Kirsty Ferry

I'm thrilled to be sharing this Festival of Books and Bookishness with fellow ChocLit author Kirsty Ferry, who has been writing for much longer than me and has an impressive sixteen published novels to her name. Sue: Hi Kirsty! You are very young, but you have quite a string of published novels behind you. When did you start writing? Kirsty: I’ve been writing since I was a child, but had to have a break when my son was born, and I found I had no time to do anything. When he was about seven I got made redundant and did an OU writing course which I enjoyed, then went on to complete my degree with them alongside starting a new job. Two of my modules were Creative Writing, so I had fun with those, and actually all of the stories I wrote for the course have all ended up published in some shape or form, so I guess I’ve been writing ‘seriously’ for about thirteen years now. Some Veil Did Fall was based on a short story I did for the first course, and I decided it had ...