To answer some of your questions ...

Recently I asked the lovely Likers on my Facebook Author page what they would like to know about how I write. This generated quite a lot of questions, and prompted this post. Each question merits its own blog post really, but I've tried to answer as fully as possible in a reader friendly format. Q: Do you you use writing software, e.g. Scrivener or similar? Are you a plotter or a pantser, or somewhere in between? I use plain ol' Word, on a Mac. But I also write in longhand, particularly in the early stages, and I'm a sucker for gorgeous stationary! Longhand allows me to write in a stream of conscious, unedited way, and this is where I find out about my characters and what they want and why. Plotting v Pantsing? I'm a bit of each! I spend a really long time developing my characters, where they live, their pets, their cars, their Pinterest Boards, their friends, that sort of thing, and then I write a sor...